I have never been interested in coding, and Codecademy didn’t change that.  However, I think it’s important we learned about it as part of this course.  I didn’t know Codecademy existed, but I think it’s awesome there’s such a user-friendly (and free) platform for learning.  I have many friends who are computer science majors, and their talk of coding often intimidates me because I understand 0% of what they’re talking about.  Now at least I know the difference between .html and .css!  In the simplest terms I can think of, .html is used for content and .css is used for layout.  I found .css easier to use/more user-friendly than .html.  I liked using it better because I’m a visual learner, so I could clearly see the changes I was making happen right in front of me.  .html seems so repetitive with all the <> </>.  The amount of control coding allows you to take over your website is unbelievable, and I’ve only learned the very basics.